Download these instructions as a PDF
1.) What is the web-based seminar scheduler?
2.) Who can use the seminar scheduler?
3.) How do I view the schedule for a specific seminar series?
4.) How do I view the seminars for this week?
5.) How do I login?
6.) How do I make an appointment to meet with a seminar speaker?
7.) How do I schedule a seminar?
8.) How do I edit a seminar that has already been scheduled?
9.) How do I allow meetings to be scheduled with a speaker?
10.) How do I specify times that a speaker is available.
11.) How do I upload a paper or presentation?
12.) How do I upload more than one file?
13.) How do I enter a seminar that is joint with another series?
14.) How do I delete a seminar?
15.) How do I cancel a seminar?
16.) How do I add a note about a specific seminar that will display on the Seminar List page?
17.) How do I add a note about a specific seminar that will display only on the Seminar More Info page?
18.) How do I add a note about a specific seminar that will display only seminar organizers?
19.) How do I sync a seminar series with my calendar or phone?
20.) How do I create a new seminar series or lunch or change the defaults for an existing series?
Q) What is the web-based seminar scheduler?
A) The seminar scheduler is a set of web-based tools intended to ease seminar organization for Duke Economics, and DuPRI seminars, proseminars, lunch and reading groups. Seminar organizers (primarily faculty) can schedule seminars, attach presentation files, and set speaker meeting schedules. Seminar participants (faculty and students) can sign up to meet with speakers. Anyone can view the calendars for a specific seminar series for a term or year or for the whole department week by week. You can also sync your calendar or phone with the seminar series calendars.
Q) Who can use the seminar scheduler?
A) Seminar schedules and any attached presentation files can be viewed by anyone. Faculty can schedule seminars, lunches and proseminars. Graduate students can create proseminar, lunch and reading groups. To schedule seminars and meetings you need to login with your Duke NetID. Permissions are based on your NetID. Non-Duke faculty and students can be given user accounts. To add a seminar series, please email: peter.katz at
Q) How do I view the schedule for a specific seminar series?
A) Go to
Click on the series of interest (e.g. Labor and Development) which will take you to the Seminar List page. The current term is the default. Click on Next>> for the next term and <<Previous for the previous term.
To see the schedule for the entire academic year, go to the bottom of the page, click on the term (first box) and click on Academic Year. Click the View button.
Q) How do I view the seminars for this week?
A) To see all seminars this week, click on the Weekly View button in the upper right hand corner. The default is the current week. Change the week by clicking on the date of interest and click on view. Alternatively, page through each week by clicking on Next week>> or <<Previous week. The schedule default is All Seminars. To see Lunches and Proseminars, click on the second box and select the view of interest.
Q) How do I login?
A) From any page on the seminar site: Click the Organizer | Login button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Click on Login Using Duke Netid (if you have one)
If you do not have a Duke Net id, click on Other Login Options
We can provide logins for anyone not at Duke who needs to use the scheduler.
To request a login, email peter.katz at
Q) How do I make an appointment to meet with a seminar speaker?
A) Go to the seminar series, click on More Info to the left of the name of the speaker. You are on the Seminar More Info page. You need to login to add a meeting. If the schedule is open for appointments, click on “Click to schedule a meeting with the speaker” next to “Meeting Schedule”. You will go to the Meeting Schedule page. Enter your name in an available slot and hit Submit. (Do not overwrite other people’s names. Slots that are not white cannot be scheduled.)
You will return to the Seminar More Info page. Check your name is on the schedule as you expect.
If the schedule is not open for scheduling, you will see a note to that effect. Schedules are usually opened about a week for a seminar. If necessary, contact the seminar organizer listed immediately above the Meeting Schedule.
Q) How do I schedule a seminar?
A) From the Seminar List Page of the series of interest, click on >>Add a Seminar which is in the lower right-hand corner of the page. You need to login to add a seminar. If you are not already logged in, you will be taken to the login page.
On the Seminar More Info page, enter the name and affiliation of the speaker, title of the presentation. You may upload a paper or link to a web address with the paper. Check the date, time and location of the seminar. A default date, time and location is set for each series and can be changed for a specific seminar. (To change the default for the series, email peter.katz at If this seminar is joint with another series, see the FAQ about Joint Seminars.
Be sure to hit the Save button at the top or bottom of the page. Check that the listing is correct.
Q) How do I edit a seminar that has already been scheduled?
A) You need to login to edit a seminar. From the Seminar List page of the series of interest, click on More Info next to the seminar you would like to edit. On the Seminar More Info page, click the Edit button (this will be visible above the speaker’s name if your account has edit permissions). If you do not see an Edit button, check that you are logged in (at the top right of the page). If you are logged in and you see no Edit button, email peterkatz at
Edit any entries. Hit the Save button at the top or bottom of the page. Check the listing is correct.
Q) How do I allow meetings to be scheduled with a speaker?
A) login, go to the Seminar List page, click on More Info next to the seminar of interest and click on Edit.
About half way down the page, (below Organizer), click on “Click to allow meetings with speaker to be scheduled.” Hit the Save button at the top or bottom of the page.
Q) How do I specify times that a speaker is available.
A) On the Seminar More Info page, click on Click to schedule a meeting with the speaker. To lock out times, click on the Available toggle to the right. Times are locked out if that is not checked. The times on the left can be edited. Default times are half-hour slots from 8.30 am. You can also delete times that will not be available. They will not show up on the schedule. Click Submit.
If a speaker is visiting for more than a day, click “Add a schedule day” at the bottom of the page. More times will be added.
When you have completed the schedule structure, hit Submit and check the listing is correct in the Seminar More Info page.
Q) How do I upload a paper or presentation?
A) Login, go to the Seminar More Info page, click the Edit button. Half way down the page, you can upload the paper or provide a link to a web address. If you have more than one file, email them to peter.katz at
Q) How do I upload more than one file?
A) Email the files to peter.katz at and specify which seminar the files are intended for.
Q) How do I enter a seminar that is joint with another series?
A) In the Seminar Edit Page (login, go to the Seminar List page, click on More Info next to the seminar of interest and click on Edit), go down about half the page and click on the series with which this seminar is joint. This can be done at the time the seminar is scheduled. The seminar will be listed as joint and appear on the Seminar List pages for all joint seminars series. However, this entry will serve as the master entry and all references on the web will point to this entry including meeting schedules. Click Save.
Q) How do I delete a seminar?
A) When you are logged on, go to the Seminar More Info page and click the Delete button above the speaker’s name.
Q) How do I cancel a seminar?
A) When you are logged on, go to the Seminar More Info page and replace the name of the presentation with “SEMINAR CANCELLED.”
Q) How do I add a note about a specific seminar that will display on the Seminar List page?
A) Enter text in the first Additional comments box. Click Save.
Q) How do I add a note about a specific seminar that will display only on the Seminar More Info page?
A) Enter text in the second Additional comments box. Abstracts, notes about the presentation etc are often included here. Click Save.
Q) How do I add a note about a specific seminar that will display only to seminar organizers?
A) Enter text in the third Additional comments box. Travel and hotel arrangements are often included here. These are only visible to seminar organizers (faculty). Click Save.
Q) How do I sync a seminar series with my calendar or phone?
A) Instructions are located here: Accessing the Seminar Schedule from your Calendar or Phone.
Q) How do I create a new seminar series or lunch or change the defaults for an existing series?
A) Email peter.katz at .