Teresa Seeman - UCLA
Exploring the Construct of Allostatic Load within a Social/Psychological Model of Health
Date: 03/29/2012 (Thu)
Time: 3:30pm- 5:00pm
Location: Seminar will be held on-site: Breedlove Room, 204 Perkins Library
Organizer: Duncan Thomas
Meeting Schedule: Login or email the organizer to schedule a meeting.
All meetings will be held in the same location as the seminar unless otherwise noted.
12:00pm - Lunch: Jane Costello, Seth Sanders, Jenny Tung
1:15pm - Meeting with DuPRI trainees: Katherine King, Melanie Sereny, Natasha Dmietrieva (SS 202)
1:45pm - Asia Maselko (SS 202)
2:15pm - Sherman James (SS 202)
2:45pm - Amar Hamoudi (SS 202)
3:15pm - Seminar set up
3:30pm - Seminar Presentation (3:30pm to 5:00pm)
6:30pm - Dinner: Duncan Thomas, Joe Hotz, Amar Hamoudi, Sandra Albrecht
Additional Comments: Abstract: This presentation will focus on a program of research that seeks to identify and better understand the multiple biological pathways through which social factors impact on trajectories of aging. Major social factors of interest include the broad impact of socio-economic status as well as the influence of patterns of social interaction with others (including both the positive and negative features of such interactions and their respective impacts on physiology). Drawing on data from both population-based studies as well as laboratory-based research, the presentation will illustrate the cumulative body of evidence supporting a model wherein such social factors impact major health outcomes not via one or another specific biological pathway but rather through their cumulative influence on multiple biological regulatory systems – consistent with the model of allostatic load.