Joe Altonji - Yale

Estimating Family, School and Neighborhood Effects on Education and Wages in the Presence of Sorting

    Date:  12/05/2012 (Wed)

    Time:  3:30pm- 5:00pm

    Location:  Seminar will be held on-site: Social Sciences 111

    Organizer:  Arnaud Maurel

Meeting Schedule: (Not currently open for scheduling. Please contact the seminar organizer listed above.)

    All meetings will be held in the same location as the seminar unless otherwise noted.

    9:30am - Arnaud Maurel

   10:00am - Gabriela Farfan, Andrea Velasquez, Veronica Montalva

   10:30am - Joe Hotz

   11:00am - Ryan Brown, Nick Ingwersen

   11:30am - Chris Timmins

   12:00pm - Lunch with Tyler Ransom, Jared Ashworth, Marie Hull, Brian Clark, ...

    1:00pm - Mike Dalton, Patrick Coate

    1:30pm - Peter Arcidiacono

    2:00pm - Pat Bayer

    2:30pm - Hugh Macartney

    3:00pm - Duncan Thomas

    3:30pm - Seminar Presentation (3:30pm to 5:00pm)

    5:00pm - Marjorie McElroy

    6:00pm - Dinner with Arnaud Maurel and Pat Bayer