Doron Ravid - University of Chicago
Bargaining with Rational Inattention
Date: 09/28/2015 (Mon)
Time: 3:30pm- 4:45pm
Location: Seminar will be held on-site: Social Sciences 111
Organizer: Todd Sarver
Meeting Schedule: Login or email the organizer to schedule a meeting.
All meetings will be held in the same location as the seminar unless otherwise noted.
9:00am - Ming Yang (breakfast at hotel)
10:30am - Jim Anton
11:00am - Aaron Kolb walks speaker to Econ Dept
11:30am - Curt Taylor
12:00pm - LUNCH: Attila Ambrus, Rachel Kranton
1:00pm - Philipp Sadowski
1:30pm - Todd Sarver (Soc Sci 232)
2:00pm - Huseyin Yildirim (Soc. Sci. 205)
2:30pm - Fei Li (SS 221A)
3:00pm - Gary Biglaiser (SS 221A)
3:30pm - Seminar Presentation (3:30pm to 4:45pm)
8:00pm - DINNER: Philipp Sadowski, Todd Sarver