Massimo Marinacci - Bocconi
Making Decisions under Model Misspefication
Date: 02/15/2021 (Mon)
Time: 3:30pm- 4:45pm
Location: This seminar will be held remotely via Zoom. (Please sign in to see the link.)
Organizer: Arjada Bardhi
Meeting Schedule: Login or email the organizer to schedule a meeting.
All meetings will be held in the same location as the seminar unless otherwise noted.
1:00pm - Todd Sarver, Philipp Sadowski
1:20pm - Todd Sarver, Philipp Sadowski
1:40pm - Atila Abdulkadiroglu, Aram Grigoryan
2:00pm - Break
2:10pm - Alessandro Arlotto
2:30pm - Arjada Bardhi
2:50pm - Pino Lopomo
3:10pm - Break
3:30pm - Seminar Presentation (3:30pm to 4:45pm)