Faruk Gul - Princeton
Lindahl Equilibrium as a Collective Choice Rule
Date: 10/18/2021 (Mon)
Time: 3:30pm- 4:45pm
Location: Seminar will be held on-site: Social Sciences 111
Organizer: Arjada Bardhi
Meeting Schedule: Login or email the organizer to schedule a meeting.
All meetings will be held in the same location as the seminar unless otherwise noted.
12:00pm - [Faruk arrives in Durham at 12:30pm]
12:30pm - Lunch: Aram Grigoryan, Atila Abdulkadiroglu, David McAdams
1:00pm - Lunch
1:30pm - Philipp Sadowski (SS 203 - in person)
2:00pm - Curt Taylor (SS315, in-person)
2:30pm - Arjada Bardhi (SS 223, in person)
3:00pm - Huseyin Yildirim (SS 205, in person)
3:30pm - Seminar Presentation (3:30pm to 4:45pm)
5:00pm - Quitzé Valenzuela-Stookey (SS 210B, in person)
5:30pm - Zichang Wang / Todd Sarver (SS232, in person)
6:30pm, - Dinner at Wash Duke: Todd Sarver, Philipp Sadowski, Quitzé Valenzuela-Stookey, Curt Taylor, Attila Ambrus