Pauline Corblet - Sciences Po

Education Expansion, Sorting, and the Decreasing Education Wage Premium

    Date:  01/18/2022 (Tue)

    Time:  11:30am- 1:00pm

    Location:  This seminar will be held remotely via Zoom. (Please sign in to see the link.)

    Organizer:  Wendy Stocum

Meeting Schedule: Login or email the organizer to schedule a meeting.

    Meetings will be held via Zoom unless otherwise noted.

    Meeting location:  (Please sign in to see the link.)

    8:00am - Intro Meeting with Pat Bayer

    8:30am - Meeting with 1-2 faculty - Rob Garlick, Pengpeng Xiao

    9:00am - 30-minute break

    9:30am - Meeting with 1-2 faculty - Modibo Sidibe

   10:00am - Meeting with 1-2 faculty - Matt Masten, Steve Medema

   10:30am - Meeting with 1-2 faculty - Peter Arcidiacono, Rafael Dix-Carneiro

   11:00am - Meeting with Jimmy Roberts

   11:30am - Seminar Presentation (11:30am to 1:00pm)

    1:00pm - 30-minute break

    1:30pm - Meeting with 1-2 faculty - Joe Hotz, Jason Baron

    2:00pm - Meeting with 1-2 faculty - Arnaud Maurel , Bocar Ba