Marianne Bertrand - Chicago

Predicting and Preventing Gun Violence: An Experimental Evaluation of READI Chicago

    Date:  04/19/2023 (Wed)

    Time:  3:15pm- 4:45pm

    Location:  Seminar will be held on-site: Social Sciences 111

    Organizer:  Robert Garlick

Meeting Schedule: Login or email the organizer to schedule a meeting.

    All meetings will be in SS221A unless otherwise noted.

   11:00am - Lisa Gennetian

   11:30am - Bocar Ba

   12:00pm - Lunch with Rob Garlick, Matt Johnson

    1:30pm - Erica Field

    2:00pm - Manoj Mohanan

    2:30pm - Pengpeng Xiao

    3:15pm - Seminar Presentation (3:15pm to 4:45pm)

    5:00pm - Duncan Thomas

    5:30pm - Marjorie McElroy