Kevin Dano - UC Berkeley

Transition Probabilities and Moment Restrictions in Dynamic Fixed Effects Logit Models

    Date:  02/05/2024 (Mon)

    Time:  11:30am- 1:00pm

    Location: TBD

    Organizer:  Rafael Dix Carneiro

Meeting Schedule: Login or email the organizer to schedule a meeting.

    All meetings will be held in the same location as the seminar unless otherwise noted.

    8:30am - Breakfast w/Matt Masten at hotel, then drive to campus

    9:00am - Breakfast

    9:30am - Michael Pollmann

   10:00am - Adam Rosen

   10:30am - Kerry Haynie (Dean of Social Sciences)

   11:00am - Jimmy Roberts (Chair)

   11:30am - Seminar Presentation

    1:00pm - Lunch w/ Anna Bykhovskaya

    2:00pm - Break

    2:30pm - Anna Bykhovskaya

    3:00pm - Arnaud Maurel

    3:30pm - Alexandre Belloni

    4:00pm - Peter Arcidiacono

    4:30pm - Andrew Patton

   6:15pm - Dinner w/ Arnaud, Adam, Michael, Matt at Krill.