Econometrics Seminar Series - Spring 2024

Usual time and place: 3:30pm - 5:00pm on Thursday in Social Sciences room 113.
Click on More Info to edit a seminar or schedule a meeting.

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Yuan Liao  (Rutgers)
"Economic Forecasts Using Many Noises"
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Guido Kuersteiner  (University of Maryland)
Differential Test Performance and Peer Effects (joint with Ingmar Prucha and Ying Zeng)
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Enrique Sentana  (CEMFI)
The Information Matrix Test for Gaussian Mixtures
Joint with Financial Econometrics Lunch Group.
Note: Seminar will be in Social Sciences 113 at 10:00am on Monday.
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Kirill Borusyak  (UC Berkeley)
Shift-Share and Other Formula Instruments
Joint with ERID.
IMPORTANT: Seminar runs 2:30 to 4:00
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Kirill Borusyak  (UC Berkeley)
Design-Based Estimation of Structural Parameters, with an Application to Demand
Joint with ERID.
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Jing Tao  (University of Washington)
Uniform Inference for Local Conditional Quantile Treatment Effect Curve with High-Dimensional Covariates
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2024 Triangle Econometrics Conference  (@ NCSU)
Conference Program
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Microeconometrics class of 2022 and 2023 conference  
Click here to see the program
Joint with ERID.
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Microeconometrics class of 2022 and 2023 conference  
Click here to see the program
Joint with ERID.

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